Stop the 413! It can be done: here’s how
Bill 212 has passed. That means the province is shelving environmental concerns about Highway 413. But Federal Minister of the Environment Steve Guilbeault can put the brakes on this highway - full stop! He has until January 19 to call for a federal Impact Assessment of Highway 413.
Urge MPs in your area - shown below - to tell him so
Do it now!
Call, email or write MPs around you, especially Liberals. A sentence or two will do. The Minister needs the support of Ontario MPs to make the right call. If you voted for their party in the past, say so.
Ask Minister Guilbeault himself for an Impact Assessment.
In Halton Hills, our Conservative MP Michael Chong has said he’s against Highway 413. Ask him to pressure the Minister!
Contact any or all of the Members of Parliament below.
Leave a phone message, or email them: include your full home address in emails.
A printed, mailed letter is extremely effective too, if mail service resumes.
Possible message, but use your own words and speak from the heart:
“It’s the federal government’s legal duty, and therefore yours as my elected representative, to protect navigable waterways, consultation with Indigenous communities, endangered species, fish and migratory birds. The province is ignoring these protections, so please ask Minister Guilbeault to step in and call for an federal Impact Assessment of Highway 413.”
Use the email or phone # below each picture, or click on the pics for more contact info.
Get reel on social!
Record and post your message to your MP on your social channel.
Add #HaltonHillsClimateAction #stopthe413now.
If you can, tag your MP. Help spread the word!